
Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Pink" Sugar and Spice...

...and everything nice...that's what little girls are made of.

Welcome to another Pink Saturday!
Today's pink photos will be short and sweet. It's been a busy week of painting and fixing up the house, as well as making.............tutus!
This is something my girls and I love to do together. We have sold them locally and I hope to get some listed in my "store" this weekend but who knows if that will happen. Did I mention I have a computer armoire to paint???:-) They did convince me to get a booth at a few Holiday bazaars so that should be fun. Anyway, here is our contribution to pink Saturday...

Thank you to Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for another wonderful Pink Saturday!
Beverly also asks us to introduce you to a new blog each week. One of my "blog friends" just started a beautiful new blog called Hue Knew...and it is full of beautiful photo collages of decorating in various color schemes.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ideas Needed...

Okay...this is the week we have been waiting for since June...the week our vanity arrives! Look at this she pretty or what???

Here is my problem... We bought the vanity only and I'm not sure what kind of chair or bench should go with it. I am willing to search high and low for the right one, will refinish one if needed...whatever it takes. I just don't know what would be the best style or look. Any ideas out there? Please leave a comment or email me if you have suggestions. Thanks!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Five Words...


I thought I would try a little something I saw at my friend Trudy's blog called 5 words. Since I have been good about posting pictures but terrible about writing, I thought this might be kind of fun. Trudy gets to pick 5 words out of thin air and those are the 5 I write something about. I emailed Trudy to get my five words and these were what she sent...

~Notebook: Good one for me today since I am once again on a notebook kick. I am getting ready to paint on Thursday so I pulled out my decorating idea notebook to make sure I was on the right track. Does anyone else have one of these? I put pictures and articles in it whenever something really catches my eye. I don't always keep every magazine so this helps with clutter. If I see a color I like, or a set of idea for Holiday all goes in my notebook. I also have about 7 others around the house to help me keep organized in other areas, yet I am the most disorganzied person I know. 7 notebooks???? No wonder:-)

~Army: Hmmm...this is a tough one for me. First the obvious...which is that we should pray for and be thankful for every single person serving in the Army or any armed forces
every single day. On to the not so obvious...every year we fill boxes for Operation Soldier. It is one of the neatest things we do as a family and my girls love shopping for their soldiers. It is similar to Operation Shoebox which is for children and is equally important. We usually do both as they are such a blessing to those receiving them and a simple way to share what we have. I highly recommend it!

~Red: Oh my gosh, this is an easy one, right? I could write for days on how much I love things that are red, like red velvet cake! In fact, my girls recently saw a recipe on Bakerella for red velvet cake balls dipped in chocolate. My husband and I went to the beach for the sunset on Friday night and came home to them...YUM!!! No...I am not kidding and yes...they were amazing!:-) But do you know what I really thought of when I saw the word red? This morning, I saw an article in the news about Elizabeth Edwards, wife of John Edwards. (Yes, him) It said she was opening a furniture store called The Red Door, something she had been wanting to do along with her mother. Good for her! I hope she gets many days of joy with this new store. As for him, and I know we are not to judge, so I won't...Ugghhhhh!!!!! I'm not judging here...but he does make my skin crawl. Pretty low is all I can say! I just had to throw that in there as the word "red" made me see just a little red. One more thing I like about red...mix it with a bit of white and you get...PINK...and I love pink:-)

~Button: Oh my gosh...if only I had known 20 years ago that I would love vintage buttons so much. Now, I am on an eternal quest for them but I am always one step or one bid behind everyone else. I have managed to nab a few little button gems though and they are awesome. If I had a fashion line, I would sew buttons like a crazy person. My favorite sweater and one I will never get rid of is a simple little sandy beige 3/4 sleeve sweater I bought at Anthropologie about 10 years ago, at least. The front of it is covered in different pearly buttons and it is so cute and unique. I went through a button phase where I sewed buttons all over the pockets and hems of my daughters jeans, as well as made button bouquets. I love buying a simple sweater and replacing the plain buttons with pretty ones. I love me some pretty buttons:-)

~Happiness: Uh-oh...this is the one where Trudy would write something so beautiful and profound...and I'm sitting here thinking how my dogs make me happy. I have to do better than that though, don't I? (although I LOVE those crazy dogs, let me tell you:-) And don't even get me started on how happy I feel when I find something awesome at a thrift store, or how happy I feel listening to Christmas carols. But then I remembered a devotion I read awhile back that said there is a huge difference between happiness and joy. Happiness IS those puppy kisses, childhood moments and holiday memories. It is a homemade card on Mother's Day and cheering your favorite football team. But joy is so much more and is all about your relationship with God, your relationship with his Son and your relationships with others. So on that note, don't worry, be happy...and more importantly, be joyful!:-)

If you would like to play Five Words, email me and I will send you your 5 words.
I forgot to mention one other thing that makes me happy...cider and donuts in the Fall...

Mmm Good!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

I Spy Something...Pink!

Of course I do, because it's time for another Pink Saturday,
thanks to Beverly at How Sweet The Sound.

Don't you love all of the retro pink toys out there these days?
My little princesses would have had these for sure!!!!! (Okay, so I couldn't resist throwing in a pink tutu and the piano was just so darned cute:-)

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Pink Saturday hostesses!

But before I go, Beverly requested that us "Pink Saturday" ladies visit a new blog this week and share the blog with others. I mentioned this blog once already because I met her this week when she entered...and won my giveaway on Monday. Her name is Cynthia and her blog is Beauty and Blessings. Cynthia just discovered blogging and is very new, just beginning to post. She is a precious lady who, if you read her "about me" profile, has had the kind of 9 months you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. I don't know if the blogging bug will catch on or not but I do know she would appreciate all of the encouragement you can pass her way, so if you have an extra moment in your pink saturday, please stop by and introduce yourself and your blog to Cynthia. Thanks!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I want this charm bracelet...

Okay, I have never posted about a giveaway but then I have never been trying to win a charm bracelet like this before. If you know me at all, you will know that i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE charm bracelets!!! I almost hate to tell anyone else about it (haha) but I must so here goes...

Lemondrop Marie is giving away this bracelet from her shop.

Please visit her blog if you are interested. Personally, I hope you just visit her blog because it sounds cool...and it is, very cool. But I also hope you are allergic to charm bracelets so I can win this. (Just kidding:-) Now you will excuse me if I don't wish you luck in winning the bracelet, right????
Happy Thursday!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's time for another White Wednesday...

...this is quickly becoming one of my favorite days. Have you ever noticed how many shades of white and off white there are? It's mind-boggling...and when used in decorating this look can be many things...shabby, vintage, elegant, calming, casual, beachy, cottage, country...and I love it all!

photo: Country Living

I've finally convinced my husband to let me paint a faded caramel color on the wall...if he only knew the look I was going for:-)

photo: Country Living

Another white dining room I would love...

photo: Country Living

I can't help but think about Christmas when I see this... Only 99 days, 9 hours and 3 min until Christmas day as I write this. hahaha

photo: Country Living

Pottery Barn does know how to do white ornaments, don't they?

And finally, a book I am looking forward to reading...

Please visit Faded Charm for many more
White Wednesday posts!

Monday, September 14, 2009

88 Entries...And we have a WINNER!!!!!

The winner of my book store/Starbucks giveaway is Cynthia K. from Beauty and Blessings. Cynthia had the lucky number 85 out of 88. Just goes to show it is never too late to enter a giveaway:-) I have to say, I am so happy to be able to tell you about Cynthia as she is brand new to blogging. She just posted for the first time on Sept. 12 and I can tell she will be a blessing to read in the future. Why don't you stop over and congratulate her...she would love to meet some new friends, I know. (And we can all remember those very first days of our blog:-)

I would also like to say thank you to everyone who took the time to enter. I cannot believe the nice emails I got. I wish I could give each of you the book or dvd you requested from my store, that's how special your comments were.

I hope to have another giveaway soon so please check back. And remember...if you have a burning desire to shop can enter through my shop doors at The Shabby Tiara Book Shoppe.

Thanks Again Everyone!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's Pink Saturday...and we're going to a Pink Wedding!

Happy Pink Saturday Everyone!!!

I'm a little late with this post...well, it is only 9:07 a.m...but I must have messed up my auto post:-)
Anyway, on to Pink Saturday. First, some important business...
A BIG thank you to Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for hosting Pink Saturday. She is amazing, her blog is amazing...check it out and join in next week.
She also gave us a challenge to find a new blog we love and share it with you. Rather than tuck this at the end of my post, I want to put it front and center so you will all check out my fabulous new find. Her name is Kathy and her blog is Sweet Up North Mornings...A Creative Oasis...and that it is, my friends! Click on the link and meet Kathy!

Okay, on to my Pink Saturday. I was thinking, if I were to get married all over again, it very well might look like this...that is, if my husband would still marry me after seeing the plans!:-) See what you think...

...a pink diamond for me??? Of course I will marry a man with such wonderful taste...

...but only if we can get married here...

...and I can carry these flowers

...and wear this dress

...we will need our reception to look like this

...and what pink wedding would be complete without a pink cake

What is that you're worried about what your friends will think??? Not to worry...I'm the only one you need to make happy from here on, isn't that what they say? hahaha

Hope you liked the pink wedding on Pink Saturday!
Don't forget to visit the others, too!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Where were you...

...on September 11?

I saw this question posted on another blog, the fairyblogmother and thought I would ask the same question on mine. I'll tell you what I was doing when I first heard and if you like, leave a comment or answer on your own blog.

I was shopping with little Jordie after dropping Taylor off at school...our usual routine:-) We were at one of my favorite little shops called "My Paris Apartment". I was holding a hand painted sign that read "La vie est belle" which means basically "life is beautiful" and debating whether or not to buy it for Taylor's bedroom. It was so sweet and pretty but did I really need it?

My phone rang and it was my friend Belinda asking me if I was watching the TV. I told her no, I was out shopping. She told me what had happened and that I should go home right away and turn on the news. I kept saying "What do you mean a plane crashed into the Twin Towers?" She kept saying it wasn't an accident. What???? I just couldn't believe what she was saying.

I knew I needed to get right home but then I looked down at that little sign in my hands and knew that on a day that was sure to be filled with tragic news, I was meant to buy this sign reminding me that there is beauty in life after all. I paid for the sign and got home as soon as possible. (To this day, it hangs in Taylor's room and I will keep it always.) I turned the TV on just in time to see the first tower crumbling down. I was was such a surreal moment. I remember thinking that it couldn't really be happening. I think the rest of the day, I sat glued to the TV like everyone else, tears pouring down my face and praying for all of those people and their families.

This is not and never will be a blog about politics but I personally felt very reassured by the words President Bush spoke during this time.

A few years later, we had new neighbors move in next door. I will never have neighbors as wonderful as them for the rest of my life, I'm sure of that. I knew that Jim was kind of nervous about things, such as preparing for hurricanes. He boarded up and got his family out of town before waiting to see if it was even going to hit. I knew he would never fly on an airplane and that he went to mass before work every single morning without fail. I later found out that Jim worked in the WTC and was late that day because he missed his train. He never again took another day for granted.

What about you? Where were you and what were you doing on Sept. 11th?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

White "Chocolate" Wednesday

It's another White Wednesday and on the menu at The Shabby Tiara...white chocolate.
Okay...this is definitely not a fat-free zone, but you just have to see these yummy treats!!!!
There are recipe links at the end for a few of these goodies.

White Chocolate Coconut Cake from Southern Living...A Good thing!

White Chocolate Key-Lime Cookies...melt in your mouth good!

White Chocolate Latte...Iced and Hot!

White Chocolate Trifle...I am sooooo making this someday!

White Chocolate Berry Tiramisu...Making this too:-)

And how about a White Chocolate White House...Amazing!!!

Recipe Links:
~Cookie recipe
~Tiramisu recipe
~Trifle recipe
To join in on White Wednesday, please visit Faded Charm Cottage.

~White Wednesday

For Macy...

My niece Kim told me that little Macy is starting first grade today. For those of you with children, you know that once they start the "number" years, it seems they just fly by one after another. Kim is happy and sad today and I totally understand that. She has two girls like I do and she loves nothing more than to be their mommy. I understand that too!:-) I found this poem that is very sweet and is a perfect reminder to enjoy the little moments in your child's life.

As My Daughter Grows Up

Life is fleeting, years rush past...
and little girls grow up so fast!
Let me take time out to be
glad that mine's still here with me.
And though I'm busy through the day,
let me take time out to play...
Let me take time out to smile,
to linger with her for a while...
To invite her under the table for tea
and dress up silly as can be.
Let me take time out to sing
and dance and skip
and twirl and swing...
To splash in puddles when it rains
and make her fancy daisy chains.
Let me take time out to hear
about the things that she holds dear.
Let me tuck her in at night,
hear her prayers, turn off the light.
And for one more moment let me pray
and thank God that we shared this day!

Happy first day of school Macy!

Monday, September 7, 2009

There's a Fairy in My House...

...a "Dew Drop Fairy," that is.
Thanks for the many good wishes sent Taylor's way as she went for her Nutcracker auditions.

She found out today that she will be the Dew Drop Fairy...dancing the solo in The Waltz of the Flowers, as well as demi-soloist in the following...Spanish (Chocolate), the Russian dance, and a Snowflake. She will also dance the role of the Harlequin doll in the party scene. (The music playing in the background is from The Waltz of the Flowers.)

Do you think she is just a little excited???? Um...yeah, I'd say so. She has a hard time focusing on much of anything these days besides dance. She was reading me her science essay the other day and stopped in the middle of it to talk about how many pirouettes she did or something like that. I can only imagine where her head will be as December comes closer:-)

Anyway, thanks again everyone!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

She Had Style... well as grace and elegance.

I came across some photos of Jacquelyn Kennedy Onassis the other day and that is what came to my, elegance and grace. Not to mention beauty.

It's so confusing when you get to be a 40 something like me. What is style anymore? I love to shop but I seem to walk into stores and back out again, empty-handed. My "style", for lack of a better word, is casual. But it is not typical "mom" style...I know that for sure.

For some reason, it's important to dress like "me"...which is casual with a twist.

I like the sound of that. But if I ever decided to change (which I'm not planning at the moment) it would be Jackie's classic style I would go for. Look at her...she must have been some first lady!

Here are the essentials of Jackie's style, minus the pillbox hat:

Things You'll Need:

  • Shift Dress
  • Pearls
  • White Gloves
  • Simple Pea Coats with Big Buttons
  • Formal Gowns
  • Oversized Jackie-O Sunglasses
  • Black Turtlenecks
  • "Jackie" Handbag
  • Cartier Tank Watch

...And one of my all-time quotes ...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Good Luck to My Ballerina...

Today is Pink Saturday...and it is also audition day for the Nutcracker.

To my sweet Taylor I would like to say...

Good Luck...or "Bonne Chance" in French.
(I told you I was going to start learning to speak french:-)

Visit How Sweet The Sound for more Pink Saturday!

And don't forget to enter the giveaway. See below or click here for more details!!!

Giveaway...At The SHABBY TIARA BOOK SHOPPE!'s that time again...giveaway time!

Did you notice the Shabby Tiara Book Shoppe picture in the right sidebar? I's cute, if I do say so myself;-) But it's more than just a cute pic. It's an actual book store with Amazon. Go ahead, click on the picture in the sidebar or on the above link to check it out
and see for yourself. Actually, we have much more than just books. We have DVD's and a great section called "Pink Home" with all kinds of great things for every room in your home, including the nursery. Coming soon...Barbies...woo-hoo!!!

The sections of the store are Suzanne's Corner (me!), Taylor's corner, Jordan's corner, Decorating (TONS of great books here!), Holidays & Entertaining, Faith~Family and Crafts, DVD's and PINK Home. (The girls made so many great suggestions for teen reading!)

If you see something you like, just click on it and you will go through the Amazon checkout process you are familiar with. The only difference is you entered Amazon through our store...and thank you for doing that, by the way!:-) All transaction details, including returns and shipping will be handled by Amazon. Be sure to check and see if an item you want is limited quantity so you don't miss out! If you already have a user account with Amazon, you still use that. So simple! Here are a few items we are loving right now, starting with this cute little teapot and my favorite blender.

Personally, I would pick this book...

To celebrate the opening of our little "store", I am giving away any one book or DVD in the store PLUS a $20 Starbucks Gift Card! I might even throw in a few cute little items for Fall. In fact, you can count on that!

How To Enter...
1. 1 entry...Browse around my store and then come back to leave me a comment telling me one book or DVD you would like. (By the way, we are adding new items daily so if you win, there may be many more choices by that time.)

2. 1 entry...Follow...and let me know. If you already are, let me know that too so I can give you another entry.

3. 3 entries...WOW...On your blog, make a post about the giveaway and link back to my blog.

That's it...easy, easy, easy. A book and Starbucks (just in time for a Pumpkin Spice Latte)

Winner will be chose on Monday, Sept 14 by random number generator.

Good Luck, my friends!