
I Am...

TUESDAY March 19, 2013

About me...


I AM...

~I am a wife and mom of 2 beautiful girls...and 2 adorable dogs.

~I am a lover of all things shabby, tattered and torn, rustic and rusted...which is a complete change from the person I used to be. If it's pink or aqua...I like it!

~I am one of the flakiest people I know and little by little, I am learning to live with that:-)

~I am easily bored but also can be very creative. I feel as if I have a million ideas swirling in my brain. What to do, what to do...

~I am more old-fashioned than I ever knew, which is funny if you knew me when:-)

~i am a mom in the south and absolutely love everything southern!
(especially moon pies! hahaha) 

~I am a homeschool mom. Even though my girls do most of their classes online, this is what I am...and proud of it.

~I am hard on myself but encouraging to others. If it is at all possible to follow your dream, I say go for it!

~I am a simple person and I appreciate simple beauty...and cupcakes.

~I am a faded worn in jeans kind of girl...holes make them better...with a white tank top, a vintage necklace or pin and cute flip flops. This is my uniform and I wear it well!
~i am a beach lover.  i love walking on the beach. i love collecting shells and sea glass. heck, i've even tried hawaii:)

~I am a homebody. I used to deny this but it is true. Being home, creating a nest, taking care of my family...this is what I love to do...this is what I do best...and what I want to share.

~i am a child of the King.  My life verse is
Phillipians 4:13
