
Monday, March 9, 2009

Orange Blossom Moments...

...and random thoughts.

This morning, when I went outside to take my dogs out for a walk, the scent of orange blossoms was in the air. I just stopped on the stairs and breathed in one of my favorite scents. I remember as a kid, when we came to Florida from Michigan at Easter, smelling the orange blossoms. I used to love to get some scented oil in a little orange shaped container and that (as well as Love's Baby Soft) would be my perfume for the year:-) Now that I live in the south, I consider it a good day when I smell the orange blossoms! Hmmm...all this talk about orange blossoms makes me hungry for orange cake, my all-time favorite:-)

To all Lilly Pulitzer is the day Lilly takes over the Martha Stewart show. Should be lots of fun...and plenty of pink and green to go around! I'll be watching, I think it's impossible to live for any time in the Palm Beach area (we were there 13 years) and not love Lilly.

My husband has to run a disaster drill at the hospital today. He says he is going to channel his "inner Jack Bauer". I just hope he doesn't get carried away and actually torture anyone!!!!! You laugh...but I bet he has a few employees who think it could happen. hahaha

Look at these new Tracey Porter dishes. I LOVE THEM!!!

Maui, my goldendoodle, woke me up at 5:00 today. My husband apparently got up early and closed off the hallway door to my girls rooms, where Maui now likes to sleep. He is 70 lbs and could easily push the doors open but at 9 months, he's still a baby and hasn't figured out just how much he can really do.

My girls are taking their state tests (FCAT's) this week and next. They usually do school from home but go to a public school for the tests. They are both bright and do well, but am I the only one who is not in love with these tests? I actually think they are depriving the kids from so many things they could be learning about, because teachers are under such pressure to "teach the test". And for those kids who don't "test" well, I feel so sorry! The funniest thing is they have to wear khaki pants and a polo shirt...tucked in. They are far more upset about this than the test. Apparently, tucking in your shirt is for NERDS! They won't even let me take their picture for fear it will end up on Facebook or something horrifying like that. LOL

My sister told me about a new book by Debbie Macomber..."20 Wishes". She so loved it and immediately wrote me to tell me to pick it up. When someone finishes a book and can't wait to recommend it, sign me up! She said it is a light, easy "beach" read and there is an idea running through it about making a "wish" journal. I absolutely LOVE that idea!!! As soon as I finish it, I'll let you know what I thought.

Guess that's it for now but I do have a few other things I want to post sometime today. I'll leave you with this great quote...

"The measure of success is not whether you have a tough
problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you
had last year."
-- John Foster Dulles


  1. I love those Tracy Porter dishes! SO pretty and colorful.

    I also love your doggies. Adorable! My dad has a Standard Poodle. :)

  2. Hi Suzanne,

    I was finally able to get a show on today. I've been looking for a ruler so I can measure a flip flop I already have. I will complete this task tonight.

    I love the scent of orange blossoms at night. It reminds me of being 16 where my BF would take me home late our dates and sweet innocent kisses. sigh.

  3. Ooooh, I need to take the time to go to the beach! Love the Tracey Porter dishes! Didn't you just love the Lilly show yesterday? Stop by and take a peek at my Lilly Luncheon photos from yesterday:-)

  4. Hey Suzzanne! boy oh boy am I glad to visit your blog first after vacation! Just looking at those blossoms brought very warm memories back for me- I was raised in South Fla. Hollywood- I will never forget that wonderful smell! And those Dishes! OMG- I am doing a net search on them soon! Love them! You must know, I brought my whole family in to see pics of maui! I thought ours looked like freddy but NO! He looks just like Maui only 40 lbs. not 70! We are still stumped ont he Goldendoodle part. Love love your blog!


So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...