
Monday, August 31, 2009

Tomorrow is moving day...

...for my blog.  It's something I've been thinking about...and planning for quite awhile.  I just feel as if my reason for starting a blog in the first place has gotten lost.  This is my personal daily (almost) journal, a place to gather my thoughts, dreams, ideas and my favorite things.  It was also meant to reflect the shabby lifestyle that I love. 
My 2 shabby chicks and I are working on some projects for a store...etsy for now but we'll see...and we have named it The Shabby Tiara...because we are all princesses at heart.  That's also the name of the new blog...fitting for the shabby chicks, don't you think? 
We also have a photo blog inspired by the Julia movie called Shabby365 with lots of inspiring shabby vintage photos.  I hope you'll all join me at the new blog (s) but I understand if you move on.  We should all follow the blogs we really love, you know? The link for my new blog will be  Hopefully it will all be up and running tomorrow, Sept. 1st, but it is still a work in progress so please be patient.  There will be a link for you to click on from here also so don't worry if you forget.  You can probably get to it now but I won't have my posts from here transferred yet.  I'm trying to add buttons and links to all of your blogs but it takes time.  I'll get there, I promise. And I'm sorry I haven't been able to visit your blogs lately as I have been consumed with this but I promise to visit soon:-)
Jennifer, thank you so much for your help. If not for you, I think I would have given up by now!:-) 


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm so excited for your new look! :-)

  2. Well, isn't that exciting for you. You have been as quiet as a little mouse about this. Can't wait to check out the new blog!

    Good luck getting it all ready!


  3. Suzanne, your new blog will be fabulous, knowing you! I love the pic of the angel with the tiara!! I look forward to coming over and seeing where you and your daughters take us. What a great thing for all 3 of you to share. xoxo :)

  4. I think this sound great! You better keep us linked up! I can't wait to visit your new adventure, I just know it will be wonderful! Your right, we should all do what we love! Good luck!!


So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...