
Monday, January 18, 2010

Feeling Romantic... your attention there, didn't I???

But first I have to thank all of my pink friends for stopping by on Saturday. I'm looking forward to visiting each and every one of your blogs and getting to know you if we haven't "met" already! I'm so happy you liked the tutu and wish I could send each of you one...but as you know, I can't exactly do that.
What I can do is send Courtney a tutu for her litle girl since she won the giveaway.
Please stop by and visit Courtney at her blog, Women Living will truly be inspired and blessed. on to the romantic part.
No, not what you're thinking...hee,hee
THIS is what I'm talking about...
Romantic Country Magazine

Oh my gosh...have you ever seen this magazine?
Every single issue is more beautiful than the one before.
This, combined with the amazing shabby/romantic shops I discovered this weekend
have convinced me I have to get my house to this place, as much as possible.
My husband may resist a bit here and there
but when I remind him how much time is spent in our home...
we not only live here but my children learn here...
I think he'll be okay.
Anyway, he has a business trip coming up.
He almost expects to smell paint when he walks in the door so...
I can't disappoint him, right?
When I tell him that we are being green and giving "new life" to old furniture...he will be unimpressed.
(No...I'm not going to paint my bedroom furniture...yet.)
But when I tell him we are saving money in other ways...BINGO!!!
Here are a few pictures that have me in a "romantic...decorating that is...mood:-)
Hope you all have a beautiful day! this next one is more beachy/shabby...with a touch of romantic...and totally irresistible:-)


  1. Beautiful rooms! Don't I wish I could create something this beautiful in my own home - wow!!!

    Thank you so much for the Tutu!!! I'm so excited to give it to my daughter - she will love it!!!


  2. LOVE the rooms...I am definitely going to have to check that magazine out. Although I fear the only way I will get any pink into our apartment is if we have a little girl, LOL!

    Perhaps just a few subtle touches?]

    God bless my friend!

  3. How could one not just smile and be filled of joy when surrounded by all that loveliness?

  4. One of my favorite magazines also. It is always full of the most beautiful decor, rooms and vignettes. Beautiful Post.

  5. I love those photos, that magazine is the BEST!!!

  6. These are beautiful pictures! I may just have to pick up a copy. Have fun with your remakes! Hope Hubbie isn't too shocked when he gets back from his trip!

  7. Those are such beautiful pictures! I love shabby. I have never seen this magazine, bet there are a lot of great ideas in it.
    Sorry I missed your tutu on Saturday. We were in Maryland, demolishing 3 bedrooms to get ready to re-do. Your tutus are so BEAUTIFUL!! I feel like I want one just for ME. Have a great weekend!

  8. I just got the tutu in the mail and LOVE it!!! I secretly opened it while my daughter was watching television just now! I'm saving it for Sunday, it will be part of her Valentine gift!!! I can't wait to see it on her!!!

    Thank you so sincerely much!!! You are a blessing!


So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...