
Monday, July 4, 2011

one year later...

what a difference a year makes.
i have been living with MS for one year now.
probably longer than that as 
my dr. thinks it was messing with me before....
but this is when we discovered it.

when i first found out,
I was determined not to let it get me down.
then it got me down!
and that's the best way to describe it....
a year full of ups and downs.
but in a nutshell.....
i won't bore you with little details of the
ups and downs.
everyone has their own struggle and mine is
FAR from the worst.

this is all about FAITH, LOVE and HAPPyNESS!

without it,
i am nothing....
i HAVE nothing.

without it,
i am nothing....
 i HAVE nothing...
without it,
i am nothing.
i HAVE....well, not nothing,
but i could have more....
and i could GIVE more....

faith, love happyness 
(and I know you don't spell it that way...
but i LIKE it:)

about FAITH.
 oh, i had my moments.
i doubted...
i questioned...
but in the end, 
i HAVE to have faith...
and I do!

 I'm so blessed.
i have a TON of it
and HAPPyNESS.....
my "word of the year"
i'm trying to give and get more HAPPY in every day.....
MS or not:)

 now for something REALLY SPECIAL....
let me tell you what my PRECIOUS girl Jordan is up to.....
 she is SWIMMING for MS!
in addition to the very busy life of a tennis playing teenager,
 she is taking the time to raise money for MS...
to help those who can't afford medication 
(at about $3,000/month)
to help those who need a wheelchair.....
and to help find a cure.

 she recently started and this Holiday weekend,
our club, Naples Bay Resort,
is getting others involved with her cause.
it's very exciting.....
and I am SOOOOO proud of my girl.
if you would like to read her page, go to this link:
i think you will be so INSPIRED when you read
her story in her own words.
 if you would like to make a donation,
instructions are there.
even though there are suggested amounts,
she would be ecstatic for anything...
every dollar helps!
as she wrote on her Swim for MS page,
"God never promised life would be easy,
He just promised it would be worth it."
like I said.....
i am SO blessed.....
with Jordan AND Taylor.....
 and my husband Phil.
i know you might wonder why THIS post on July 4th....
well, it is a one year marker and it IS Independence Day....
and independence means different things to different people.
to a person with MS, being independent means the world....
so as well as celebrating with our country, 
we will celebrate my own continued independence.
and I think we'll do that with our 2nd annual  
 (i know, i know...always food:)

big HUGS and a big THANK YOU to everyone for your
love, prayers, concern, caring, thoughtfulness and friendship
to me and to my family this past year.
to say it means more than you know is an understatement!
God Bless You!!!
and Happy INDEPENDENCE Day!!


  1. Suzanne I remember last year when you got the diagnosis and what a blow it was. You have more then survived this year you and your family have grown stronger and filled each day with more love and joy. Ups and downs will continue but you will always be an inspiration to me! Your daughters are wonderful and I know you are so proud of them. Enjoy the pineapple upside down cake! hugs, Linda

  2. Congratulations on one year, and just look at the smile on your face, the support and love of family. You have it all and it shows. Keep up the fight and take it one day at a time. Don't worry about tomorrow, just stay in the day and enjoy it to the fullest no matter what it brings your way.
    I want to wish the best for you and your family. Happy 4th, Char

  3. it's a lot to deal with isn't it?! Life does have it's ups and downs, but your perspective is great! We have a bit in common that way... looking for the good in our world and not letting our "diseases" keep us down.
    I've been fighting the fight, 4 years and 3 months. Thought I was in the clear for awhile but I guess that wasn't the plan. I don't cry as much anymore, what's the point right?! Like you said, plenty of people have worse to deal with and God bless them.
    You hang in there girl. You're so young and vibrant with such a beautiful family. My prayers are with you always! xoxo

  4. What a beautiful post. Lovely words and beautiful pictures. You have such a wonderful family. I remember when you first got the diagnosis. One year down and you can tell you are handling it very well. Hopefully the ups will out weigh those downs. Keep the Faith.

  5. Attitude is everything, and with Christ as your cornerstone I see He has really given you the grace to deal. I am new to your blog and want you to know it is one of my favorites.

  6. Hard to believe it's been a year already. You are looking fabulous and your post is inspiring. I continue to pray for you and your family my friend. Miss you!



So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...