
Friday, August 12, 2011

Inspired 4 YOU...

yes, I'm looking out for you!
actually, MARY is inspired 4 you...
with her UNIQUE home decor that i am IN LOVE with...
and I think you'll love it too!

okay, ya'll know i'm CRAZY about SUBWAY ART...
no secret there!
I even thought I would give it a try myself
with all of the amazing instructions out there.
but then I realized I have MORE than enough going on...
and sometimes you just have to look at those
who have perfected art FOR people like me...
someone like Mary, who creates and sells her art on etsy!

her shop is called Inspired 4 You Decor...
(just click on the highlighted links throughout to get to her store)
and she creates the most AMAZING subway art
meaning she will customize any of this with YOUR names, dates,
special verses,

(love how you can add your favorite football team)
 favorite style...
you name it!
she will even customize the COLOR of the sign...
that's pretty COOL, you know?

here are a few more of my FAVORITES...
she literally has something for everyone!
please take a look and then stop by her store.
Mary has been SWEET enough to offer my readers a 10%DISCOUNT
if you place an order after seeing it here.
just enter the code SHABBY and she will know I sent you!
and by the way, her prices are already INCREDIBLE...
 so a 10% discount is icing on the cake.

 for the kids...

just for fun...

oh my gosh...I had never seen this before and I love it!

so sweet...

I need one that says "Leo's Workshop":)
 for teens...

for all of us:)

for the rodeo fan...OR baseball fan too...

 see...something for everyone!
and trust me, there is so much MORE in her shop...
so go check it out NOW...
you will be so happy you did!


  1. I will go check out her shop right now! I am looking for a sign for Ashe's new house in Cali. Thanks!

  2. Those are some fabulous signs! I was just thinking about the Christian poem! How nice to see it.. God is in control, I love it. Blessings always~

  3. Very cute stuff, I'm thinking Benjamin's room!

    Thanks for sharing this Suzanne. Think of you often and hope you are well!



So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...