
Saturday, September 3, 2011

if you only make ONE album of your child...

how about one of these...
an album of a page or two each year with
likes, dislikes, activities, favorite things... 
all in ONE album.
 then, give it to them as a graduation gift.
i'm LOVING it!!!
no fancy scrapbooking (which I'm horrible at)
a photo of that year and a bit of journaling...
and VOILA!
(OMG...does this sweet girl actually listen to KATY PERRY??? 
She is BANNED in this house...and mine are teenagers!)

ANYWAY, i am so in love with this idea and if I could
actually remember details, I would
go back and make one for each of my girls.
 (this one is too blurry for you to read but for example, this little girl
"loves chocolate cake, loves walks and playgrounds, and is hoping for a
pink dollhouse:)

In fact, maybe I will anyway.
one of these days.
when i get done making these tutus:)
Happy Weekend to you!



  1. What a sweet idea! Maybe I will start this for my Grandson! I have scrapbooks for my girls of their childhoods but I do love this idea and now it works for me as a grandparent!

    hugs, Linda

    PS I read 'The Year of Fog' and it is great!!!

  2. I think this is such a great idea. Did they do these one their own. I think it would fun to do one for each of my grands.

  3. This is a great idea, Suzanne! I'm going to start albums for my grandchildren.

  4. This is truly a fantastic idea Suzanne! Thanks for sharing it with us!! Too bad my boys are 27 and almost 29 now- do you think I could go back that far and remember to much of anything!!??

    Enjoyed your why post too. I don't know that we will ever get all the answers to our why questions- one is sufficient - Jesus-

    bee blessed


So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...