
Thursday, March 1, 2012

for good moms...

we all want to be GOOD moms...
but sometimes a little help is needed, am i right?
so i've collected a few things for all the good moms
or "wanna be" good mamas out there.

first up...ABC's of Good Moms.
and if you STILL haven't checked out iMOM...
you are seriously missing out!

be proud of the important job you hold...

what every mom hopes to hear some day...

as with every job. there comes responsibility.
we are responsible for teaching this...
and yes, we DO have to be the bad guy some times.
it's our job:)

i still checkout the movies my girls want to watch.
call me crazy, but one of the greatest lessons i have tried to teach them is that
they are responsible for what they put in their head...
i know they will do what they want when they leave home...
and i hope they have learned that very important lesson.
but while they are still underage, i help out:)
that's just the way it is.
here's a good site...again from iMOM.

a great gift for moms...
their very own "diary"!

and for the daughters...
haha...but kids..."you were so cute".
and don't feel bad about that house...
okay, sometimes you have to deal with that house,
especially with teenagers.
(and you thought toddlers were tough:)

finally, i leave you with this.
PERFECT for the next time Mr. Wonderful gives you a hard time:)
may be a bit hard to read so i'll sum it up for you.
the average mom works 96.6 hours/week
 and her yearly salary (by business standards)
would be $115,432.
not too shabby...but i think the salary for this job of being a mom is




  1. I hope and pray that I get to be a mom someday!


  2. This was such a great post Suzanne.I loved it!A very nice message to pass on to everyone!I especially loved the 11 ways to be an inspirational Mom.Also,"The ten things my mom taught me about being a Mom"

    Happy March!

  3. Being a good Mom is a lot of work but oh so worth it! Love this post! hugs, Linda


So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...