
Friday, March 29, 2013

Jelly Beans, Jelly Bean Cookies and Magic Jelly Beans. . . .

ahhhh. . . . .i love me some bright, colorful jelly beans.
they're just plain fun!
i have a board on pinterest called "fun food". . . .
and for sure, jelly beans qualify!
so i was just tickled as could be to find some
 cute jelly bean ideas out there.
read on for a few great ideas.
but first, check out this jelly bean cake, costume and my favorites. . . .
jellybean happy pills:)

oh gosh, i almost passed out when i saw these jelly bean sugar cookies.
sign me up for a double batch. . .please!

the recipe for this is at :sallysbakingaddiction

or here's another one from

magic jelly beans anyone?
this next idea is seriously too cute!

full instructions can be found at but in a nutshell,
in a pail with some wheatgrass or even easter grass,
have your child "plant" a few jelly beans.
the next morning,
you have replaced the jelly beans with a giant rainbow lollipop.
get it?
the jelly beans turned into a lollipop.
soooo cute!
and the lovely lady behind this at nothing but country provides you with a printable 
magic jelly beans seed packet to make it oh. so. real!

when i taught Sunday School for the little ones years back,
i just had to find a way to give out jelly beans.
so we used something like this attached to a cute bag of jelly beans:)
meaningful, clever and YUMMY:)

wait. . . .
we need more jelly bean cookies, don't you think?
 here are simple, colorful cut-out sugar cookies.

Thank you to Partiologist for the idea!
No jelly bean cookie cutter?
well. . . .buy a tin of jelly bellys and use that!
works awesome!!!

these look super good. . . .
and i think will be made in this house tomorrow!
Jelly Bean Blondies

Jelly Bean Blondies
1 Stick Butter or margarine Melted (1/4 cup)
1 cup brown sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla or 1/2 teaspoon almond extract Pinch salt
1 cup all­purpose flour ( or Gluten Free Flour Mix) 1/4­1/2 cup jelly beans
1. Butter an 8×8 pan
2. Mix melted butter with brown sugar – beat until smooth. Beat in egg and then vanilla. 3. Add salt, stir in flour.
4. Pour into prepared pan, and sprinkle top with Jelly Beans.
5. Bake at 350°F 20­25 minutes, or until set in the middle.
6. Cool on rack before cutting them.

have a beautiful Easter weekend!
be back tomorrow:)


  1. I love jelly beans any time of the year!! Have a very Happy Easter sweet friend!!


    1. Well thank you Ms. Trisha!!!:). Happy Easter my fellow jelly bean lover!!

  2. Oh My Gosh- Those are phenomenal pictures. They are great. I love the BLACK beans myself-xo Diana

    1. Well then Diana, we should at jelly beans together since I ont eat the black ones! xoxo

  3. You had me with jelly beans, and I love the jelly bean blondies. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Easter!


So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...