
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Favorite Things...White Edition

I'm fickle...
My list of "favorite" things can change with the season
With the month
With the day.

But some things never change.
Thank goodness!!
I love white...
which is why I'm back blogging on White Wednesday.
Couldn't resist.

I really love these pretty white treasures...

Ballerinas in fluffy white tutus
White Pearl Bible
French Country
Old photos

Please visit Faded Charm
to see more White Wednesday participants.
And thank you for stopping by to see my favorite white things!


Sunday, April 25, 2010


I'm still here...
still resting, reflecting, nesting, thinking,
and all of the other things I said I needed to take time to do.

Love this...

I'm re-reading all of my Shabby Chic books...
and getting inspired all over again!

And I'm hanging out with my girls...
eating ice cream cones,
watching our favorite shows,
planning our summer,
planning bedroom re-dos
(and school, of course:-)

Just hanging out.
And it feels sooooo good.
Or it did.

Now for the "ouch" part...

Friday morning, I packed my shabby chicks in the car
and went to the beach.

Barefoot Beach...
How perfect is that?

We needed some bonding time.
A bit of Vitamin D.
And I have a new project that involves seashells so...

It was a gorgeous day...
I found the shells...
Read a little of my book...
Sipped some sweet tea...

...and got WHACKED in the face by a flying umbrella.

It was such a calm day.
A cloudless sky and no wind to speak of...
until the freaky gust of wind picked up that umbrella and...
well, you know.

I sat there stunned.
It hit me so hard and so suddenly.

As I sat with my face in my hands,
I felt something dripping on my legs.
My poor girls...
Nice day at the beach and suddenly Mom has a bloody face.

One CT scan and a few stitches later...
and I look marvelous.

Only one problem...
we had a Ball to go to on Saturday night.

It was the Heart Ball...and of course I had a red dress.
Well, technically it was called Sangria by the lovely people at Nordstrom.
If only it had been violet or blue...
to match my face:-) made for great dinner conversation.

So next time you decide to go to the beach.,
don't worry about the sharks...
or jellyfish...
or sand crabs.

Look out for those flying beach umbrellas!!!

What else...

I've missed my shabby little blog.

For those of you who don't know me well,
let me tell you one word that describes me...

Or maybe easily bored.

Because I'm ready to start changing up my blog again.

I know, I know...that is sort of taboo if you don't want to lose people.

But it's kind of like only having one style your whole life.

Or saying your favorite color is blue just because it's always been that way.

Go ahead...say you like orange now or if you're like me...

But I'm not sure what to do so please stay tuned.

In the meantime,

I am trying to visit my followers.

All 555 of them!

Isn't that amazing???

I am going to admit something really bad here.

I bet I haven't been in touch with 455 of them.

I tried to keep up but it just got away from me.

So before I come back to my blog full time,
I need to make time for these wonderful people.

I'll be seeing you...


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Woof, Woof...From Freddy

Look at me...
It's my Birthday!!!!

Yep, I know my Mommy is taking a blog break.
But it's my 7th Birthday...
Which means I'm actually older than her!
Don't you think that deserves a blog post to celebrate lil ol' me?

Okay, here goes...
My name is Freddy Boom-Boom.
My dad wasn't crazy about getting a dog but my mom said
"who cares...we're getting one anyway".
That's how I got to be here.
(And just to be nice, they named me after my daddy's favorite golfer,
Freddy Couples, just to make sure he fell in love with me...which he did:-)

I was born in Florida (I'm a Native!!!!) on April 15th.
(Yes, they thought about naming me Uncle Sam)

I have 2 big sisters who love birthdays and love to spoil me.
They also love to dress me up...Yuk!!!

I also have a little brother.
Well, he's about 55lbs more than me so he is a BIG little brother.
I act like I don't want him around but at night,
my family finds me curled up with him.
(And don't mess with him because I am very protective of that Big/Little guy!!!:-)

I love to ride in the car with my Mommy.
She says I'm her little co-pilot.
I would do anything for my Mommy!

I love to chew bones.
I like tennis balls but not to play fetch.
I prefer to hide them from my brother.
And sometimes I chase Maui around the pool.
I could catch him if I wanted to but I let him beat me most of the time.
I'm kind of nice like that, you know.

Most of all I love my Ruby.
Ruby is a stuffed reindeer that has lost all of her eyes and only has one antler...
but I love her anyway.

She's my special friend and when I am upset,
there is nothing I like better than being with my Ruby.
But I have to watch out because Maui will eat her.
My poor in a house with that monster.

I broke my leg when I was a puppy and ever since then I have been very spoiled.
Look at what my family gave me for my birthday...
A Florida gators raincoat.

Now my fur won't get all wet and yucky when I need to go out in the rain.
And I do look kind of cute, if I do say so myself!

Hmmm, what else...
My favorite food in the whole wide world is pizza.
Or anything my daddy is eating!

Well, I guess that's about it.
If you were here I'd give you some of my birthday cake.

Thanks for stopping by my mom's blog.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Resting and Nesting...

Sometimes it's good to do a little resting.

And nesting.

Yes, I do believe it's time for this Shabby Chick to take a blog break.

For awhile I haven't felt terribly inspired.

When your blog stops being fun and is one more thing you feel guilty about...

it's time to step back.

Not for good.

Maybe not even for long.

But a break.

I'll still be around sometimes, visiting YOU!

And I do have a few posts already scheduled in the next few weeks.

But no more looking at my world...

and wondering how it will look on my blog.

At least not for awhile:-)

For now, time to take pictures for the sheer joy of it.
(although I may try to catch up with my photo blog, Shabby 365:-)

My girls are in need of a mom who is 100% focused.

Focused on them getting the most they can out of school.

Maybe I can help them more with their blog,
Blondes in the Kitchen
For Taylor especially, she could turn a good blog into school credit.

Focused on watching them dance and play tennis...
rather than planning the next blog post.

Yes, it's time to "unplug"...

I realize that the blog world is a fickle place.

Out of sight, out of mind.

But I believe I have the BEST blog friends!

I do, right??? hahaha


In the next few days, weeks or even months,

this is what I hope for......

A time to Nest...









So there you have it.

For the near future,

when I wake up in the morning,

it will not be to worry if I have time to post something on my blog.

It will be with this thought...

See you soon!
