Sunday, January 15, 2012

all about STUFF...

wow...that would almost be a good name for a blog like mine...
since i seem to just ramble and it's not about anything
it's just about STUFF.

well, not this time.
i DID change the name
(same web address...can't change that. DARN:)
so while the blog address is still shabby chicks,
the NAME is
land of sugarplum fairies, southern girls and sandy toes...
courtesy of my sis Deb.
she wrote me over the Holidays and ended her email with
"i hope things are good in the land of 
sugarplum fairies, southern girls and sandy toes".
NO WAY!!!!!
the proverbial lightbulb EXPLODED in my head:)
i was amazed at how that covered the fun stuff we love...
ballet, southern/country life, the BEACH...
all of it.
except our love of junky stuff...but i still have "shabby chicks" to cover that:)
COOL, huh?
thanks Deb!!!!

so, to launch my newly-named blog, which "they" say you should never do
(change the name of your blog.)
  who is short...make it fun, i say:)
anyway, to celebrate...i'm having a week full of 

i know, i know...what DO i know.
hey...i ask myself that every day:)
but maybe someone out there will like SOMETHING i mention.
at least i know my mom will! (thanks mom)
first up for Monday...
BEAUTY products.
i might even show a before and after photo.
but probably not. never know:)

before i go, here's something i REALLY love.
 inspirational messages.
sometimes they're deep...and sometimes they're a short, simple reminder.
like this...

have a beautiful day!


  1. Suzanne I love that you are always changing, growing, exploring and sharing. Never stop my friend! Looking forward to your week of things you love, cause I love you and your blog! hugs, Linda


So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...

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