Wednesday, October 31, 2012

cute, creative, clever costumes...BOO!

happy BOO day to you!
the days of me getting the costume
"just right" for my girls are pretty much gone:(
but we had good times.
and, ahem, if i can be allowed to brag.......
we MADE our costumes:)
for the most part.

but there are such doggone cute ones out there now, 
i probably would be buying them these days.
here are a few for your viewing pleasure.....

hmmm...very clever, but cooking a baby?

sweetest ghosts ever!

love the shark idea.....
but is it just me, or does it look as if this cutie is being eaten?:)

NOT a happy bride!

oink, oink...cute lil piggy!


  1. Loved these costumes (I have pugs) but cooking a baby!!!! UGH!

  2. Well I vote for the sweet litte pink piggy. I agree the crab is cute but leave him out of the pot.

  3. Oh Suzanne- I LOVE them ALL-save for the baby in the lobster pot-I could do without that one!;>) xo Diana

  4. I know ladies...I'm with you. The cooked baby costume is scarier than anything i've seen:) Thanks for stopping by!


So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...

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