Friday, May 1, 2009


It's been a busy day so not much time to take care of my blog. The girls have had huge projects for school...the kind they need their "advisor" for:-) Anyway, I came across a quote about character that I loved. It is from Bob Tebow, who is the father of Tim Tebow, Univ. of Florida quarterback and Heisman winner. They are a wonderful christian family and they homeschooled all 5 of their children who are all college graduates. It's a subject that has been on my mind so much lately and I found this quote particularly thoughtful. Hope you like it! (GO GATORS:-)

"You can be well-educated in the world's eyes and still be a sorry person. You can graduate with degrees and have no character. Character defines who you are."

Happy Friday!
P.S. There is just no way I could leave out this photo of my girl in her Tim Tebow jersey:-)


  1. Love this. I have copied and pasted the poster for my son who is President of the National Honor Society as his HS. Character is one of their 4 pillars. Email coming your way soon, friend. :) oxox

  2. my new SIL is a Gator, married to my daughter, a GA Bulldog. Their puppy is named Jax!

  3. Great poster! I feel convicted! :-)

  4. What a great quote! Your daughter is so beautiful!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  5. LOVED the true that is!!!
    Cute pic of your daughter as well...
    Hope you have a great weekend!


So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...

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