Friday, July 23, 2010

Some Pretty Cool Things...

So today I thought I would lighten things
up a bit...
and let you know that yes, 
I still go shopping.

You didn't think I let that one go,
did you?

And yes, I still love to find some pretty things...
cool stuff...
cheap stuff...
VINTAGE stuff...

So, here are some of my latest finds...

Vintage luggage, appropriately roughed up...

Going my way?

Cherubs and starfish...

So sweet!

Cherishing the important things...

and signs, signs everywhere...

and finally...

So what do you think?
Not bad for one week!

And considering the bargains I found,
this makes for a week full of FINE THINGS indeed!

Celebrating the finer things with Amy...

 Have a Happy Friday!


  1. Great finds! You have one of those blogs that just "feels" good to come to...Happy Friday :)

  2. Ah yes the joy of finding good things. Love the signs! You sound happy!

  3. OH Suzanne!
    Do you know how much I am LOVIN those WHITE vintage suitcases!!!!
    Happy Weekend Suzanne!
    I need to email you!

  4. Oh how I love vintage, fairies and fairy tales. This has been a delightfully whimsical and special special place to stop on this Finer Things Friday blog hop!

  5. You most definitely know how to shop. I quite like that last sign!

  6. Hi Suzanne!!
    I am your newest follower,nice to meet your Bloggerette Sister. I love shabby to, you have wonderful blog.
    Greetings from Europe, Biljana

  7. Hi Suzanne, I am a new follower - LOVE your blog and your song. :) You can visit me back at if you like. Nice to "meet" you. :)

  8. :::thud::: all in one week? and those suit cases were already white??? you must be in shabby heaven! good for you!


  9. My first time visit I believe, sweetpea! I love the post about Leo and Irene as my hubby and I will share 50 years together next year and going strong. Beautiful photos of beach items also.
    Drop by for a visit!


So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...

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